

  • All submission will be evaluated on the basis of originality, soundness, relevance, importance of contribution, quality of presentation and comparison to related work
  • All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. Submissions must meet the format of the templates and will hide authors’ details and references to enable blind review. Acknowledgements of funding or assistance should also be omitted at the submission stage. When referring to one’s work, use the third person rather than the first person. 
  • The contributions must be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair platform 
  • Your contribution must be in English (expected a good standard) with a maximum extension of 8 pages (full paper) or 2 pages (tiny paper), also indicating the target track (Digital Skills or IT Professionalism): see Call for Submissions.
  • Submission must follow the template, downloadable from the following link in .docx format:


Accepted papers will be published with embargo of 6 months, subject to meeting format and quality requirements, in the Zenodo community for ICODSIP, each one with DOI and it is integrated into reporting lines for research funded by the European Commission via OpenAIRE .

Full papers accepted for Track 1. E-competences and IT professionalism will be invited to submit an extended version (at least, 30% of new material) for consideration of publication at International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals (Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) Q4 and SJR H-Index 13 and Q3 in Computer Science).

Full papers accepted for Track 2. Digital competence and skills will be invited to submit an extended version (at least, 30% of new material) for consideration of publication at an International Journal indexed in SJR Index.

Important dates

Deadline for submission of contributions: 16th September 2024.

Notification of acceptance (expected): 2nd October 2024

Final version due: 18th October 2024